Proverbial Wisdom: Tomorrow, Tomorrow
Read Proverbs 27
Verse 1: Indications of pride and arrogance include being over-confident in one’s strength and having a false conviction of one’s own power over his/her life. Only God is sovereign and in total control, and only He knows what will happen this day and the next. A believer’s boasting should always be in God alone, for He is faithful and true. Christians should not make presumptions upon the future as if there is nothing that could go wrong or hinder them, for even their very next breath is dependent upon the grace of God (Colossians 1:17). If the Lord wills, they will do this or that. Other such boasting is evil. (James 4:13-14). It’s ok to make plans and set goals, however, we have to acknowledge that it is God who holds tomorrow and if He decides to change those plans, we have to understand that He has our best interest in mind.
Verse 2: Really this should be common sense, but we see so much of it today! It is foolish to praise oneself and brag about one’s own achievements. The only approval that matters is that of Jesus Himself. Believers should not live for the approval of others, but it is better to be praised by others as they recognize something honorable that believers have done than for believers to boast about it of their own accord. Vainglory in and of itself is dishonorable and should never be in a believers life.
Verse 3: Remember a while back when I talked about the adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones…”, well, let’s rephrase it. Sticks and stones can break bones, and words can actually do even more damage. Fools enjoy provoking others to anger and evil, and the damage that their words do can exceed that of other attacks. It is very tempting and easy to respond in selfish wrath to a fool, but wisdom is gracious, gentle, and always peaceable, not seeking a fight. Letting a fool provoke one to screwing up is just dumb, and wisdom knows how to walk away and let a fool boast in his own stupidity.
Verse 5: Correction out in the open might be truthful, but it may not be in the appropriate setting. There is a time to correct a person or challenge his or her thinking, but initially it should be done in private if at all possible. Otherwise, it can be seen as public humiliation rather than instruction. But at least in this there is a sign that a person cares about truth and about the relationship. However, those who pretend that they do not love when they actually do commit such a travesty because it robs a person of a fulfilling relationship. By not backing up actually loving convictions with actual words and actions, a person is left thinking that they are unloved or even despised. Thus, there is unnecessary sorrow and loss for no good reason. It is better to be corrected which in and of itself demonstrates some level of care and concern than to be loved and never know it and even wonder if the person cares at all. If you love someone, you will help them. I personally have had my heart broken many times because folks who held back when they saw me doing wrong, later said they saw it but never said anything. By that time, it was too late and the damage had been done. If you love someone, love them fully. If they love you back, they will take the correction.
Verse 12: Those who are wise are able to identify danger, traps, and trouble ahead of time because they are looking at the world through the grid of Scripture. They know that violating God’s principles is inherently destructive, and they watch out for danger accordingly. Those who are naïve are blind to the danger around them because they are either part of it or just overestimate the goodness of people. Those who walk blindly into a trap and who think evil people will act righteously will suffer for their foolish and erroneous thinking.
Verses 15-16: Here is yet another reference to the contentious woman and it is not positive just like the others. The warning is for a person to marry wisely, for the agony and frustration of being married to a wife who enjoys arguing, fighting, nagging, complaining, and being bitter is like a dripping faucet that never gives one peace and quiet. Trying to teach her how to be respectful, kind, and considerate is like trying to catch the wind or grasp at oil. Fools cannot be taught, and a contentious wife demonstrates her foolishness. By creating a miserable existence for her husband, she demonstrates her wicked heart and love for misery, pain, and strife.
Verse 17: People influence one another whether they are trying to or not, and this is why bad company corrupts good morals. It is also why being around other wise people can be beneficial to one’s heart, mind, and soul if any humility is present. Ultimately, a person is sanctified by truth, and this is what is needed for a man to sharpen another man the right way. Even in the absence of wise counsel and godly friends, a person can still be trained and sharpened by the Word of God.
Verse 19: The heart of man is the real man, and what is in the heart will be reflected by what is said and done. The fruit from a persons’ life will reveal whether a person’s heart is good or evil.
Verse 21: When a person is loved and adored by people, it will test his resolve not to become prideful, to be able to have self-control, and to continue to fear God and keep His commandments. It will reveal whether or not he is truly humble and servant-hearted or if he is drawn to power, prestige, and the approval of people over the approval of God. The praise of men is indeed a great test, and those who love God with all of their hearts will come through the test refined and purified.
Verses 23-27: Riches can come, and riches can go. Wealth is fleeting, and positions of power tend to come and go as well. One should never put all of his eggs in one basket or presume in the future. Those who have faithfully tended to the little things day after day will find that they have what they need in the day of trouble. They have not frittered away what God has given them, but they have preserved it, cared for it, and invested it wisely. It is never good or wise to neglect the little things while presuming on one big thing to work out. Similarly, spiritual fruit is often a result of daily investments made and service done rather than one big accomplishment or event.
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