Holding Fast

 Hebrews 10:32-39

32 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; 34 for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. 35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:

37 “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry.

38 Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”

39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.

It’s easy to hold firm to our beliefs when we’re with like-minded people in church. But if we’re among people who doubt or disagree with Christianity, we need courage to stand up for the truth of God’s Word.

In these situations, we might be tempted to compromise our convictions out of fear, such as:

• Fear of Criticism. Believers standing up for God’s truth will likely get criticized by people who don’t share their beliefs.

• Fear of Rejection. If we live by our convictions or verbally share our faith, we may not be accepted by those who follow their own desires.

• Fear of Loss. Sometimes we don’t want to take a godly stand because we could lose our friends. But anyone who keeps us from obeying the Lord is not a true friend.

Sacrificing righteous standards in order to please others will keep us from the fullness of what God has planned for our life. It’s better to live for Christ and follow His commandments so we can glorify Him. 

As God’s people, we hold on to our convictions, no matter the consequences. Pleasing Christ is our highest priority and well worth our standing firm for Him.


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