The Power of Jesus' Name

 John 14:13

13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Yesterday we read how praying in Jesus’ name affirms our relationship with Christ and our direct access to the Father. It also declares our ...

Authority to Petition God. Christ sits at the right hand of God, where He intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25). He says to ask for what we need and gives us authority to enter the throne room at any time and speak with the Father. Everyone who trusts in the Savior has the right to use Jesus’ name.

Agreement With God’s Purposes. In the Savior’s name, we can make requests to the Father, but we must agree with His purposes. This means aligning our prayers with His character and will, and making His work the priority—not ours. We can learn to pray in accordance with God’s plan by abiding in His Word and letting it influence our thoughts.

Assurance of an Answer. “In Jesus’ name”is also a phrase of confidence. It shows we believe that our prayers will be heard and answered.

In Jesus’ name. These three words powerfully touch the Father’s heart. Using them is a mighty prerogative we have as children of God. Let’s exercise this privilege well.


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