
 Read Matthew 9:18-22

A confession isn’t always an admission of guilt—it can also be a proclamation of what we know to be true. Confessions of faith are sometimes formal, like the Apostles’ Creed, but they can also be as simple as an unscripted sentence. Consider the woman suffering from a hemorrhage—on approaching Jesus, she said, “If I only touch His cloak, I will get well” (Matthew 9:21). And the man whose son was possessed by an evil spirit proclaimed, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

The woman with the bleeding disorder comes across as confident, and sometimes that’s the benefit a confession of faith provides: assurance of who God is. But it’s also possible her words were spoken more like a prayer or desperate hope to be fulfilled—not unlike the seemingly contradictory statement of the boy’s father. But even as prayers, both of their declarations reveal faith that could serve as an anchor during hardship. And the same is true for us. When we’re feeling lost or hopeless, a confession of faith can ground us, whether we’re confident of who God is or hopeful about how He’ll work in our life.


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